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Living Water’s story began in a Jr. High band room… and grew into a thriving body of believers who are passionate about being the hands and feet of Christ to our community and beyond…

On October 5, 1986, several families gathered for the very first time as Living Water Community Church. Their goal was to be a real, relevant church that made a difference in the lives of those in the surrounding community. Something worked! The church experienced consistent growth making it necessary to move out the band room to a facility of its own. The current facility at the Dalton Campus has gone through several major expansions including launching a second campus in Massillon, Ohio.
Living Water is a multi-site church located in Wayne & Stark counties with a mission to help people take their next step in faith towards Christ. Our model gives us the strength and resources of a larger church but the community and neighborhood feel of a smaller church. Through our vision & code, Living Water seeks to expand and maximize its Kingdom impact in Northeast Ohio and beyond.


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