March Madness

Saturday, March 2 from 6:15pm-8:45pm
6th-12th grade

Time stands still when the Duke Blue Devils are competing in the March Madness basketball tournament.  Here at Epic Student Ministries, we will have our version of March Madness on Sunday, March 2 from 6:15pm-8:45pm.  Only time will not stand still.  It will move fast because we will be moving fast!  There is a strong chance that this year’s Summer Olympics will include some of our events.  Bring athletic clothes and shoes for an all-out, high-energy, try-to-keep-up challenge that will keep your adrenaline rushing for the next 17 years. Oh yeah, and there's free pizza!

Parents:  You can drop off and pick up your student at the church

Contact Bill Loomis, Associate Campus Pastor at  Attached is a medical waiver/consent form if you have not completed one in the past.