Women's Ministry

In Women’s Ministry, we are committed to connecting women to Jesus and one another. We hope that you’ll join us as we seek Jesus, study His Word, and build community together. If you need help getting connected, please contact the campus you attend.
The IF:Gathering is a one-day event where women from all walks of life, all around the world gather together, get equipped, and discover the next step in their calling: to go and make disciples

Mark your calendar for IF: 2024 on April 6 (more details to come)

IF:Refresh is everything we love about the IF:Gathering but in a mini version! So grab a friend, or a group of friends and gather around the table with us.

Keep an eye on the events calendar for the next IF:Refresh!

IF:Tables gather women around a table once a month, creating space to feel known and provides an environment for conversation to happen about following God and giving Him away.

We’ll Provide:
  • Four questions for conversations
  • One optional recipe for you and your IF:Table to enjoy
The questions and recipes are delivered to your inbox on the first of every month.

You Provide:
  • The space for women to gather and connect
If you are looking for a place of belonging, a place to grow or a place to be refreshed, Ladies Time Out is a terrific opportunity for women ages 18 and up to come together in community and to take steps in the faith. This year, we will be taking a look at different women of the Bible and see how God used “every day”, flawed women to do great things. Each month we have created space to engage in conversation around the table, followed by some sort of hands-on activity.
Gathering for LTO, will begin the first Tuesday of each month from September through May. Bring a friend and join us! Visit the events tab to see when the next LTO is happening.